Tag: larparklincoln

SKY SHARKS: Check The New Trailer For Nazi Zombies Riding Flying Sharks Madness!

Some concepts pretty much sell themselves and Mark Fehse's Sky Sharks is very much one of those. Picture, if you will, Nazi zombies riding jet propelled sharks through the skies in a revived reign of terror. Now imagine dropping cult...

SKY SHARKS: It's Raining What Now In Tony Todd's Character Poster?

As production rolls along on upcoming cult film Sky Sharks we now have cult icon Tony Todd's character poster to share with you. Here he is, in all his military glory, as Major General Frost. And Frost is predicting that...

SKY SHARKS Love ... Sardines?

I will not even pretend that I understand how this new animation from Wolf Matzl - the man responsible for the title sequence on The ABCs Of Death 2 - fits in to the already very weird world of Sky...

The SKY SHARKS Head To The Printed Page!

What could be better than Nazi zombies riding jet powered sharks through the skies? Nazi zombies riding jet powered sharks through the skies on the printed page, that's what!  Yup, with the crowd funding campaign for the cult horror comedy...

Four Minutes Of Madness And Arterial Spray In The SKY SHARKS Promo! Help Make The Ultimate Zombies Riding Flying Sharks Movie!

I am often suspicious of claims made in marketing materials. Because, you know, those guys get paid to lie on a regular basis. But when the creators of Sky Sharks describe their film as 'The Ultimate Zombies Riding Flying Sharks...

Raven Banner Bringing SKY SHARKS To Cannes

Because what could be more terrifying than Nazi zombies flying jet powered sharks through the sky? Right? Right? With the Cannes Marche du Film just around the corner word has arrived that Toronto based Raven Banner entertainment will be representing...

Nazi Zombies Come Flying SKY SHARKS!

How do you top Nazi zombies? By having them ride undead flying sharks, of course. Yes, this actually exists. It's called Sky Sharks, it stars heavily tattooed cult fave Robert La Sardo, it's in post production right now and we've...