Tag: johannesstjärnenilsson

DVD Review: SOUND OF NOISE Is Music To Your Ears!

If ever there was a film built for ScreenAnarchy, Ola Simonsson and Johannes Stjärne Nilsson's Sound of Noise is definitely one. I don't throw that kind of praise around willy-nilly, in fact, the last film I gave such high marks...

Review: SOUND OF NOISE is Thoroughly Delightful

[With its limited U.S. theatrical release set to begin tomorrow, we revisit my review from Fantastic Fest 2010, where it deservedly won the Best Picture award.] How can something so simple be so joyful? Maybe that's the key. Like Jackie...

Fantastic Fest winner SOUND OF NOISE gets a US trailer!

Great news for fans of Scandinavian Cinema and good movies in general as Magnolia Pictures has announced that it will be releasing awesome Swedish comedy SOUND OF NOISE in US theatres on 9 March. The film, directed by Ola Simonsson...

The Musical Terrorists Arrive With The Trailer For THE SOUND OF NOISE

It's an odd one, is Swedish comedy The Sound Of Noise. But it's also very, very good. The story of a band of musical terrorists turning their entire city into a musical instrument was a big hit on the festival...

Fantastic Fest 2010: SOUND OF NOISE Review

How can something so simple be so joyful? Maybe that's the key. Like Jackie Chan, the six drummers in SOUND OF NOISE believe in using everyday objects to make mayhem. As one of them says in a recruiting pitch, "it's...

Cannes 2010: Because Every Escape Needs A Quality Soundtrack, A Clip From SOUND OF NOISE

It is going to be a strange year in Cannes, no doubt about it. Not only does the Critics Week lineup feature an angry psychic tire in Quentin Dupiuex's Rubber but it's also got a gang of musical terrorists in...