Tag: ellarumpf
Fantasia 2017 Review: TIGER GIRL, Badass Ladies of Berlin
Movies love bad girls. Lashing out against the patriarchal establishment, kicking men to the curb, fighting for their right to existence. Put this in hand with youthful rebellion, and watch these women soar, sometimes (though not always) with a moral...
Review: RAW, Coming of Age With Visceral Power
It's hard to maintain one's identity when university begins; or perhaps more to the point, find your identity under enormous pressure to do well in school, adapt to life without constant parental supervision, not to mentions the pressures of the...
RAW Clip Welcomes Aspiring Vets With Bloody Hazing Ritual
By now you might have heard a thing or two about Raw, a film that lapped up awards left and right on the international film festival circuit and even left some early audiences in a queasy state of shock. Julia...
Cannes 2016 Review: RAW, A Terrifying and Gripping Evisceration
It's hard to maintain one's identity when university begins; or perhaps more to the point, find your identity under enormous pressure to do well in school, adapt to life without constant parental supervision, not to mentions the pressures of the...