Tag: dtv

The Wonderful World of DTV - The films of director William Kaufman

It is true that the DTV market is mainly known as being a dumping ground for thousands of bottom of the barrel productions. One only needs to visit their local DVD store to see what cheap horror or action movie...

An Ideal Partnership - The films of Director Isaac Florentine and Actor Scott Adkins

Throughout the history of Hollywood there have been filmmakers who have always relied on the talents of a regular group of performers or in some cases one particular actor. In a number of cases this has resulted in some of...

The Wonderful World of DTV - A Review of Steven C Miller's Arsenal (2017)

Last year I had written an article on film director Steven C Miller and how his films had a noticeable rise in quality from the usual DTV fare. At the time his latest film had just been released. Marauders (2016)...