Satoshi Kon Animating BATMAN!

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
Satoshi Kon Animating BATMAN!

Well, golly, I wouldn't have called it but I'm mighty glad it's happening. Prior to the release of Christopher Nolan's next Batman feature there will be a DVD of six animated shorts titled Batman: Gotham Knight. And here's where things get fun. While the stories have all been penned by US based screen or comic writers - good ones, too - the animation is all being handled in Japan by a troika of dead solid animation houses: Madhouse, Studio 4C and Production I.G. Wizard Magazine has spilled this much, and it's fun as far as that article goes, but there's more. Wizard names only Bruce Timm as a director on the project but apparently that's not the case: according to Catsuka acclaimed animator Satshi Kon of Paprika, Paranoia Agent, Perfect Blue and Millennium Actress is going to be at the helm for one of the other segments. Very, very cool.

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