APEX PREDATORS 2 : THE SPAWNING: New Trailer & Poster For Mutant Shark Indie Horror

3P0: Oh! They fly now.
Finn: They fly now?
Po: They fly now.
Shark mutations in the indie horror scene are seemingly endless. There is no stopping filmmakers from making up different ways for the toothy bastards to be more dangerous than they already are. Dustin Ferguson does it as good as anyone else in the micro indie horror arena and he has done it once again with Apex Predators 2: The Spawning.
Cheap, fast and done in a hurry, a movie like Apex Predators 2 exists for nothing more than a bit of fun. Wild Eye Releasing is putting it out on VOD and DVD in November, and they sent along the trailer. It is exactly what you think a horror movie about flying shark should be.
SPECIAL SHARK WEEK PREVIEW!HORROR FROM THE HEAVENS!Action movie legend Vernon Wells swims alongside a pool of mutant sharks in the highly anticipated sequel to APEX PREDATORS!Vernon Wells (The Road Warrior, Commando) encounters horror from the heavens in the highly anticipated sequel to APEX PREDATORS. Also starring Christopher Showerman ("Supergirl"), Brinke Stevens (The Slumber Party Massacre), Mel Novak (Game of Death), Dawna Lee Heising (Bad President) and Jennifer Nangle (Transmission), APEX PREDATORS 2 : THE SPAWNING is the feverishly fun new horror film from the makers of MEGA APE and SPACE SHARKS!The action-packed follow up to director Dustin Ferguson's direct to video cult hit has spawned more shark terror. And this time the sharks are in the air! These mutated, flying Sharks wreak havoc along a California beach during an annual Volleyball tournament. While local officials want to bury the danger and the bodies on shore, it’s up to a legendary shark hunter and his accomplice to knock the threat out of the air and back to the ocean floor forever.APEX PREDATORS 2 : THE SPAWNING will be available on both VOD and DVD in November, 2024.
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