Exclusive: Bloody Knuckles And More in First Images From Argentine Fight Film BUFALO
For over twenty years Nicanor Loreti has been producing, writing, editing and directing features, short films and episodic television in his native Argentina. He’s taking a break from most of that responsibility and making a switch from what has been largely a career devoted to genre cinema to direct a dramatic action film called Bufalo.
Bufalo (Sergio Martinez) is released from prison after spending 3 years for armed robbery. Against his will he’ll have to get back to crime life and underground MMA fighting to pay a debt and to get his relationship with his son back on track. Along the way, his best friend and trainer Oso (Oliver Kolker) will help him out.
Bufalo is based on the true story of Alejandro Bufalo Ortiz.and was written by Lourdes Prado Mendez with collaboration by Martin Barrionuevo, Oliver Kolker and Paula Manzone. The producers are Hernan Findling (Nicanor’s Diablo, You Only Live Once), Pablo Bucca, and Oliver Kolker (You Only Live Once).
Bufalo is an upcoming film in the vein of the 2011 film, Warrior, and 2017’s A Prayer Before Dawn, both artistic influences on this new film. Bufalo marks a change of pace for the filmmaker that identifies primarily as a genre filmmaker - Diablo, Punto Rojo, Kryptonita, 27: The Cursed Club - and one who handles many facets of filmmaking. This time it's a seriously toned film and he’s only directing.
Bufalo is currently in the editing stage though we have your first look at the film with an exclusive gallery of stills down below. We were able to connect virtually with Loreti the other day and talk about all manner of topics, including his film. He also shared with us about ten minutes of the edit, a densely packed clip from the film which appears to set up the story of Bufalo - his fall from grace, his release from prison, and most importantly some of the cage fighting world that he has to participate in.
It’s impressive work, for sure. ScreenAnarchy lord and master, Todd, has also seen this ten minute clip - as he was the one who arranged this first look to begin with - and he quickly sang its praises. Those of you who will watch Bufalo for the fighting should not come away disappointed. It’s not heavily choreographed, just bare bones brutal and doesn’t shy away from spilling a bit of blood. It’s all martial and no art. Even without a proper sound mix behind it each punch lands with force and harsh intent. Loreti casually joked during our conversation that with the edit that Bufalo is starting to look more and more like an actual film. Todd and I certainly like what we saw, and if given the chance a film like Bufalo is something that can play not only on the genre festival circuit but high tier film festivals willing to add a little edge to their lineup.
World champion boxer Sergio Martinez is in the title role. We will be speaking with Martinez in the coming days about this film and his role. The rest of the class included Oliver Kolker (Left for Dead and Nicanor’s 27: The Cursed Club), Jazmin Brigues, Demian Salomon (Nicanor’s Punto Rojo and Terrified), and Dario Levy (27: The Cursed Club). We caught a brief glimpse of Moro Anghileri (Nicanor’s Kryptonita, On the 3rd Day and Legions) in the clip. She will play the love interest in this film. We’re more than fine with it even though Loreti joked that he could have her join our conversation in the early days when we were coordinating our times; just so he could watch me die of embarrassment, I’m sure.
Fight choreography was handled by Bufalo Ortiz himself and Pablo Marini (Malvineitor). Now that we have introduced you all to Bufalo and the world of Alejandro Bufalo Ortiz, as told by Nicanor Loreti and his cast and crew, stay tuned to these pages as we will bring you more news as it becomes available.

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