With D23 all but wrapped up word came out over the weekend that attendees were treated to a special look at the final chapter in the Skywalker Saga, The Rise of Skywalker. Now that their 48 hours of superiority has passed the rest of us can now have a look at the reel.
The first minute recaps all eight films that have come before The Rise of Skywalker, paying more attention to the original trilogy and skipping throught the prequels ("Then there were those things").
The new footage kicks in after that. It begins with a shot of our new heroes coming upon some gathering in the desert. There are some really nice shots of silohuetted fleets from boths sides. THere is the emotional shot of Carrie Fisher. We see Rey training and Kylo stomping which leads into a nice shot of them fighting each other on some wreckage. Then the money shot that everyone was talking about this past weekend. That shot of Rey with the red double lightsaber.
But what I need to know is, what's up with C3P0's eyes, people!?!
Have a look below.
Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker opens on December 20th.