Cage Brings The Rage To The MOM AND DAD Trailer

Here's a thing about parenthood: While you love your children, sometimes you really, really, really want to kill them. It's just that most of us have the impulse control not to actually do it. And here's a thing about Nicholas Cage: He has no impulse control whatsoever. So, when you pair Cage with Selma Blair as the titular Mom And Dad in a film directed by Crank and Ghost Rider co-director Brian Taylor whose entire premise is parents infected by some sort of virus tht turns them upon their own progeny, well ... you can imagine how this is going to go.
Fresh off of its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival, Mom And Dad hits theaters and VOD January 19th from Momentum Pictures in the US and the first trailer has arrived. Look how cheery Nick looks! The very picture of domestic bliss! Check out the full trailer below!
[For those keeping track of such things, XYZ Films - where I am head of international acquisitions - have an EP position and handled international sales on this one.]