OPERATION RED SEA: Dante Lam Sends The Chinese Army To Yemen In Latest Action Flick

Hong Kong based action maestro Dante Lam is headed to the middle east with Operation Red Sea, a film loosely based on the Chinese evacuation of nearly 600 Chinese citizens and 225 foreign nationals from the port city of Aden in the midst of the 2015 Yemen civil war.
As the scope of Lam's ambitions have grown over the years it has necessitated a shifting audience target to match those ambitions. Gone are the days where Lam could scratch his action itch with high octane crime stories targeting Hong Kong audiences and their looser censorship standards. His budgets now demand an eye to the mainland Chinese market and local demands so, yes, this is very evidently a pro-Chinese military film. And given the success of Wolf Warrior 2 with local audiences - to say nothing of the entire careers of Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Bay on these shores - it's pretty hard to find much fault with that.
Prince Mak, Zhang Yi, Huang Jingyu and Du Jiang star. Check out the trailer - subtitles included - below.