Fantastic Fest 2017: GERALD'S GAME Trailer, Of Handcuffs and the Suddenly Single Woman

When mommy loves daddy, sometimes she lets him handcuff her to a bed in a very private, very remote location, far, far away. But sometimes, daddy goes away, and mommy is left to fend for herself, still handcuffed...
Back in 1992, the premise of Stephen King's novel Gerald's Game was sufficient to make me buy the book and then read all 332 pages in one sitting. It was terrific! (Or maybe it was the state of my ever dire romantic relationships at the time.) Now, 25 years later, Mike Flanagan has made a movie out of it and it looks thrilling.
My memory of the book is that King conjured up a fantastically compelling read revolving almost entirely around a woman trapped in a horrible situation. From the looks of the first trailer, director/writer Flanagan and cowriter Jeff Howard have chosen to bring some of her thoughts to vivid life, making for greater intensity most suitable for a theatrical setting.
Carla Gugino stars as the woman, and she's been ever increasing in her dramatic dexterity, so that should be an excellent performance. Bruce Greenwood plays her husband.
The film will enjoy its world premiere at Fantastic Fest later this month, just ahead of its debut on Netflix on September 29. Watch the trailer below.