Killer Versus Killer In Taut Trailer For Korean Thriller MEMOIR OF A MURDERER

If Korean cinema has taught the world one thing it's that there is no such thing as too much melodrama on the big screen and with upcoming thriller Memoir of a Murderer director Won Shin-yun has found an intriguing way to squeeze a little bit of family drama into his serial killer versus serial killer premise.
Ex-serial killer Byung-su recently has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s because of aftereffects from the traffic accident 17 years ago. That accident also made him stopped killing people and live a normal life with his dear daughter.
A serial murder takes place at his town again. Now he is confused and worried whether he committed murders himself. When he accidently meets Tae-ju he instantly feels that Tae-ju is the serial killer. Byung-su reports him to the police, only to learn that Tae-ju is police. While Byung-su is trying to find firm evidence to show Tae-ju’s serial killing Tae-ju approaches Eun-hee, Byung-su’s only daughter.
With his memory slipping, can Byung-su protect his daughter from Tae-ju? Or is it Byung-su who committed serial murders and not even know it?
Yep, this is taking the entire concept of an unreliable narrator to new extremes while, at the same time, using the flawed memory device as a means of creating empathy, emotions and family connections for a serial killing sociopath. And if the trailer is to be believed, the results are very good.
A trailer is just a trailer, of course, but this is an exceptionally good one. Take a look below!