Watch the Full Short Film "The Burn"
Some fires never go out - Paul Lancaster's short film The Burn is a tense and gripping thriller set in contemporary London. It features a strong performance by Branko Tomovic (24: Live Another Day, The Bourne Ultimatum) in the leading role and the stellar cast also includes Struan Rodger (Game of Thrones, Doctor Who), Dolya Gavanski (Our Kind of Traitor, The Lesson) and Mish Boyko (Dracula Untold, Fortitude).
When an immigrant returns to London after going missing, he learns his brother could be responsible for his mother's recent death. As he moves round the city searching for his brother, he has to fight with his own rage and what he, and the people around him, think he is capable of.
THE BURN from Paul Lancaster on Vimeo.
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