Hey Australia! Win Tickets to See WHEN LARRY MET MARY in Cinemas!

Contributing Writer; Sydney, Australia (@HugoOzman)
Hey Australia! Win Tickets to See WHEN LARRY MET MARY in Cinemas!
Following the recently released Hong Kong box office hit Cold War 2, Australian distributor Magnum Films is continuing its fantastic line-up of Chinese films with When Larry Met Mary, a light-hearted romantic comedy from director Wen Zhang that stars Bao Beier, Song Jia, Zhu Yawen and Jiao Junyan. 
Lu Yao met his kindergarten classmate Ma Li in college, & his attraction towards her grows in his heart. Unfortunately, he was one step too slow to tell her his affection. In the following ten years, Ma Li went through following in love, breaking up, marriage, divorce, & getting married again soon. At the same time, Lu Yao has also experienced two fruitless relationships. What would happen next?
Thanks to Magnum Films, we have FIVE double passes for the film to give away to our readers. 
For a chance to win, all you have to do is to follow these two steps:
1) Like the Magnum Film Facebook page, and
2) Email your name and postal address to me at: hugo[at]screenanarchy.com
When Larry Met Mary will open in Australian cinemas on July 14, except Sydney where it will open on July 21. This competition will close at 3pm on July 13. Good luck!
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AustraliaBao BeiercompetitiongiveawayJiao JunyanMagnum FilmsSong JiaWen ZhangWhen Larry Met MaryZhu Yawen

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