AMERICAN CONJURING: Coming To Canada On DVD And VOD Later This Month

Editor, News; Toronto, Canada (@Mack_SAnarchy)
AMERICAN CONJURING: Coming To Canada On DVD And VOD Later This Month
Raven Banner Entertainemnt is going to release the indie horror American Conjuring here in Canada on DVD on June 21st and VOD on June 24th. Once under the working title of Bind the flick was directed by Dan Walton and Dan Zachary. 
A family moves into an abandoned orphanage and they soon learn that their new home has a disturbing history and that they aren’t alone… a malevolent force preys on their sanity with a shocking, violent outcome.
It would appear that the film sat on the shelf for a couple years but is now ready with other release dates in the US and UK later this Summer. Armed with a new title beckoning to two popular horror franchises (AHS and The Conjuring) it will surely catch the eyes of the general public upon its release. 
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