Russia's DUELIST Delivers A Guns-Blazing Second Trailer

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
Russia's DUELIST Delivers A Guns-Blazing Second Trailer

Russian helmer Alex Mizgiryov caught our attention back in December with the first teaser for his upcoming period set action film Duelist (Дуэлянт). Telling the tale of an 1800's roaming duelist-for-hire that first teaser was slick, stylish, and enormously entertaining stuff. And it has now been followed by a full trailer that is even moreso.

Pyotr Fyodorov (The Darkest Hour) Vladimir Mashkov (Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, Behind Enemy Lines), Martin Wuttke (Cloud Atlas, Inglourious Basterds) and Yuri Kilokolnikov (The Transporter Refueled) all star and we can only hope that this one turns up on the festival circuit soon. Check out the trailer below.

[Thanks to Sergey for the tip!]

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More about Duelist (Russia)

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