Indonesia Gets Into The Superhero Game With JAGOAN INSTAN

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
Indonesia Gets Into The Superhero Game With JAGOAN INSTAN
There's a masked man taking flight over Indonesia as the Asian nation steps into the superhero game with Jagoan Instan. The story of a young man who gains power after being injected with an experimental drug looks standard enough but there's a supremely goofy energy throughout the trailer for Fajar Bustomi's film that promises a good time to be had. Did someone write 'maniacal laugh' into the script? Yes, I believe someone did. Check it out below.
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Fajar Bustomiindonesiajagoan instansuperherotrailerMusfar YasinMeriam BellinaKevin JulioLeonardo LiaoKemal PaleviComedy

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