A(R)MEN: Watch The New Short Film From DEAD SNOW Effects Supervisor

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
A(R)MEN: Watch The New Short Film From DEAD SNOW Effects Supervisor
Though you may not know Steinar Kaarstein by name there's a fighting chance you're familiar with his work if you've been keeping tabs on the recent wave of Scandinavian genre film. The VFX supervisor for both Dead Snow films, Kaarstein recently co-wrote, produced and supervised all the VFX work on a new short with director / editor Thomas Lunde. Showcasing exactly the sort of dark humor you'd hope for given the resume here, A(r)men has recently completed its festival run and is now ready for consumption by the general public.

Arne's life turns upside down when he loses his arm in a catastrophic accident. His new situation is filled with both emptiness and loss. Miraculously, his life takes an unexpected turn when a new arm grows out.
We're very pleased to premiere the complete short here on ScreenAnarchy, check it out below!

A(R)MEN from Thomas Lunde on Vimeo.

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