THE MAN IN THE SHADOWS: Watch The Trailer For Indie Horror Flick

Rachel Darwin (Sarah Louise Jurgens, "Covert Affairs") is pregnant, shackled, giving birth to something terrible, attended to by a dark man in a brimmed hat. She struggles to wake, opens her eyes and he is there. The next day she finds out she's not alone, many others see that Hat Man too. Her husband, Scott (Nick Baillie, "The Dead Zone"), believes her but thinks there is a scientific explanation. Sleep paralysis. Electromagnetically induced hallucinations. Rachel speaks of the Hat Man at group therapy. The addicts and loners reject her, except for William ("Scare Tactics'" Adam Tomlinson, also making his debut as Producer). He believes her more than she believes herself - he believes in multidimensional beings, shadows that feed upon human souls.
Okay. So The Man In The Shadows does not look to be as over the top as the Elm Street films were but they were the closest thing I could think of to make the link between nightmares, sleep and horror. We have the trailer for you to look at. Fraiman's background is primarily as a DoP so if anything The Man In The Shadows should look good.Scott's frustration builds as Rachel's sanity slips. She slips into an intoxicated dream confronted by horrors of her past. The nightmares are getting worse. It becomes harder to know what is real and what is not, and that includes the Hat Man.
The Man in the Shadows will premiere in Los Angeles at the famed Dances with Films Festival on Monday, June 1.
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