CASSHERN Director Kaz Kiriya Crosses Swords With Clive Owen And Morgan Freeman In LAST KNIGHTS Trailer

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
CASSHERN Director Kaz Kiriya Crosses Swords With Clive Owen And Morgan Freeman In LAST KNIGHTS Trailer
When you have a film boasting the likes of Clive Owen and Morgan Freeman in the leads and it comes out straight to VOD and home video with a handful of theatrical dates thrown in to sweeten the pot ... well, something's gone badly wrong. So let's not have any illusions about the upcoming Last Knights being a particularly good film because the likelihood of that being the case is quite small. But, that said, the film is the English language debut of Casshern and Goemon director Kaz Kiriya, who very much knows his way around a pretty picture so there should at least be some quality visuals to enjoy.

Academy Award® Nominee Clive Owen (Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role, Closer, 2004) delivers an electrifying performance as a fallen warrior who rises against a corrupt and sadistic ruler to avenge his dishonored master, Academy Award® Winner Morgan Freeman (Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role, Million Dollar Baby, 2004) in this epic, sword-clashing adventure of loyalty, honor, and vengeance.
The first trailer for this one has just arrived, check it out below.
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Clive Owenkaz kiriyalast knightsMorgan FreemantrailerKazuaki KiriyaMichael KonyvesDove SussmanCliff CurtisAksel HennieActionAdventure

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