The Many Faces Of Jeff Bridges
This week, the film adaptation of young-adult novel The Giver appears in cinemas, and the two elder people in it are played by Jeff Bridges and Meryl Streep. They've both had plenty of awesome moments in their careers and could easily feature in the quiz, so I asked my colleagues for opinions. In the end we settled on Jeff. Heh.
Normally I'd now explain why Jeff Bridges is cool, but with him it's not really necessary, is it?
So once again I'm going to use a gallery of 11 close-ups of one of my favorite thespians to make a quiz (La Streep will surely get her turn at some later date). Click through the images and guess which 11 movies they're from. No competition, no prizes, just for fun, try to see how far you get without using IMDb.
And I'll post the answers next Thursday (earlier if someone has all eleven of them right).
Normally I'd now explain why Jeff Bridges is cool, but with him it's not really necessary, is it?
So once again I'm going to use a gallery of 11 close-ups of one of my favorite thespians to make a quiz (La Streep will surely get her turn at some later date). Click through the images and guess which 11 movies they're from. No competition, no prizes, just for fun, try to see how far you get without using IMDb.
And I'll post the answers next Thursday (earlier if someone has all eleven of them right).
Shelagh Rowan-Legg
contributed to this story.

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