David Hasselhoff Joins Joe Carnahan's STRETCH. Reveals Costume.

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
David Hasselhoff Joins Joe Carnahan's STRETCH. Reveals Costume.
David Hasselhoff, Shaun Toub and Ray Liotta have joined the cast of Joe Carnahan's upcoming action comedy Stretch with Hasselhoff and Liotta reportedly set to cameo as themselves. Is it too much to hope that the duo will engage in a serious thespian throwdown whilst wearing speedos? It is to dream ...

Jeff Sneider brings word of the project over at The Wrap, which stars Patrick Wilson as a limo driver trying to work off a large debt to a bookie by pandering to the very deviant tastes of his even more deviant passenger, played by Chris Pine. Ed Helms also stars.

(He's probably not actually going to wear the speedo. But he should.)
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chris pinedavid hasselhoffjoe carnahanpatrick wilsonray liottastretch

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