Hammer Horror Hitting US Shores From Millenium Entertainment This Summer

Not all appears to be wine and roses just yet, though. The initial release is to be a two-disc three-film DVD set with Dracula: Prince of Darkness (already on Blu in the UK), The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires (legendary crossover madness from Hammer and Shaw Brothers Studios) and Frankenstein Created Woman (coming to UK Blu in May).
The idea behind this release, according to Millennium, is "To encourage the general public to join the Hammer fanbase". However, I can see this being irritating to Hammer fans, myself included, who have been sitting on the out-of-print Anchor Bay discs for years waiting to upgrade.
While I am skeptical, Millennium does say in its press release that:
While I am skeptical, Millennium does say in its press release that:
"Alongside the new extras we have created, we hope that our American Hammer fans will love the Blu-ray collector's editions and that these editions will also help new fans discover our rich history."I just hope these Blu-ray upgrades start materializing soon. I've been tempted on many occasions to import the UK discs but have held off in anticipation of this day. I'll remain cautiously optimistic.
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