New Trailer & Poster For RA.ONE And More!

Another bit of video, significantly less encouraging, surfaced yesterday. The video trailer for the romantic song Dildaara showcases the relationship between SRK's Shekar and his lady love Sonia, played by Kareena Kapoor. There are several problems with this. The song is absolutely beautiful and I have no problem with it at all, however the imagery that they've put along with it is horrifying. There is SRK in a ridiculous perm wig acting like a dork and nearly killing the woman to whom he is proposing marriage. The clip is just filled with hokey Bollywood dramatics that undercut a lot of the impressive visuals I've seen in other footage. I just sincerely hope that there is very little of the second clip and a lot of the first.
Ra.One is set to have its big audio launch on Monday, September 12th, so perhaps we can look forward to even more promotional pummeling next week. Ra.One opens worldwide October 26th.
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