As if the bevy of Monty Python related news this past week was not enough. This morning one of the reigning lords of British comedy, Stephen Fry, tweeted that he will be playing the role of God in the BBC documentary Holy Flying Circus, the documentary about the controversy surrounding their film Life of Brian.
Landed in lovely London. Str8 off to studio to play God in a BBC drama about loony/violent reaction to Python masterpiece "Life of Brian"
Then he went on to be 'a very naughty boy' and tweeted a pic [left] of himself in the makeup chair. Which he was asked to promptly take down.
Oh dear, Stephen's on the naughty step again. "Please don't tweet pics of you as God" Ops. Too late. They should know me by now *selfspank*
But since the internet is nearly as omnipresent as God himself is someone did manage to snag it. We will all repent to Stephen... um... God! Later.
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