Before James Marsh (justly) won the Oscar for 2009's Man on Wire, or in the same year, directed the stand-out chapter in the excellent Red Riding Trilogy, he made this Maddin-esque, Lynch-ian (this is film-nerd shorthand for poetic, feverish, surreal and weird, for those keeping score at home) documentary on the madness in the air of the midwest. Filming stylized re-creations of the multitude of tragedies in 19th century Wisconsin contrasted (occasionally) with modern footage. Eisenstein-ian connections are bound to be made. It all adds up to ask the question, to paraphrase Bob Hope, "Hey, what's up with all those crazy deaths in Wisconsin?" (alternatively, "How about that Wisconsin Death Trip?!")
If I am being a bit facetious (dare-say pretentious) in the above paragraph it is for two reasons. One it is due to the fact that it is hard to put into words just how mesmerizing the film is, and I'm not sure I am inclined to even try to verbalize just how good this film is. Second is that the film, as dark as it is at re-creating suicides, murders, petty acts of vandalism, sexual deviance and the like for our viewing pleasure, there is in no small way, a lot of gallows humour and pitch black comedy at play in the execution (so to speak.) Couple that with the dulcet tones of Sir Ian Holm on voice-over narration (step aside Werner Herzog and Morgan Freeman, make room for Holm) who lulls you to sleep with the nastiest bedtime story ever told. It is available on DVD and will soon be going in my collection somewhere between Titicut Follies, My Winnipeg and The Bridge.
Marsh has a new documentary here at HotDocs about a chimpanzee "Nim Chimpsky" (good name there!) who was put through the well intentioned / road to hell ringer in being raised as human to communicate and behave as a human. Can you say, high expectations for this one. The word 'unsettling' has been tossed around, and considering this directors filmography up until this point, is not surprising.
Wisconsin Death Trip
- James Marsh
- Michael Lesy (book)
- James Marsh
- Ian Holm
- Jeffrey Golden
- Jo Vukelich
- Marcus Monroe
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