KRULL Poster And Ticket Winners

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
KRULL Poster And Ticket Winners
The end of the ScreenAnarchy-presented Back To The 80s series of screenings at the TIFF Bell Lightbox arrives with tomorrow's screening of Krull and the time has come to announce the winners of our poster and ticket giveaway.

Peter Yates' Krull screens at the TIFF Bell Lightbox tomorrow at 2pm as part of the ScreenAnarchy-presented Back To The 80s series and that means it's time to announce our winners of the lovely, ultra limited edition poster by Justin Erickson of Phantom City Creative, both of whom also take a pair of tickets to the screening.

And our winners are: Steven Kostanski and Paul Hanlon.

Don't fret if you didn't win! We've got three more copies of the poster that we will be giving away at the screening! Come on out for your crack at one!
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Order your tickets here
Find Erickson and Phantom City Creative here

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