Entire Cast of GLEE meets horrible bloody grisly death.

Contributor; Chicago, Illinois
Entire Cast of GLEE meets horrible bloody grisly death.

Fans all over the world today are in mourning after an accident on the set of Glee took the lives of the entire cast during rehearsals. Details remain sketchy but it appears that the auto-tuner was not properly grounded causing an explosive tesla effect during a musical number. 

"It was almost like God himself threw lightning bolts down to stop the show," said one crew member who asked not to be named. "I mean one minute they were up there hitting these spectacular hi notes and the next they were laying all over the stage in pieces. We're still scraping brains out of the lighting rig. 

There was no immediate word on how this would effect the upcoming season of the much beloved show but there are already rumors that FOX is considering drafting cast members from other popular shows to continue filming before it can begin scouring Youtube for replacements. 

UPDATE: Jane Lynch has announced that she will be undergoing radical plastic surgery  and assuming the lead role of wheelchair bound Artie McAdams. 

UPDATE: A representative for Lynch has nixed the plastic surgery announcement. "Jane already looks like a teenage boy. Slap a pair of glasses on her, add an autotuner and she could pass for Artie McAdams any day." 

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