FROZEN UK DVD and Blu-ray

Contributor; London
FROZEN UK DVD and Blu-ray
Adam Green's tightly wound chiller, Frozen, is heading to UK Blu-ray and DVD this month courtesy of Momentum Pictures. One of the most tense and unnerving horrors of recent years, it's also a must for anyone that thinks Green is all about splatter (though of course he does that rather well too).

It's a classic, pared down scenario of three mates trapped on a ski-lift with apparently no hope of rescue for a whole week, with the weather turning bad and some over-friendly wolves circling beneath. Very recognisable as an Adam Green film, it also shows an altogether more sophisticated side to his film-making.

And really, what would you do?

Frozen (cert. 15) will be released on DVD  and Blu-ray by Momentum Pictures on 18th October 2010.

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