Kung Fu + Animation = Awesomeness

Kung Fu + Animation = Awesomeness

Those who's been around me or familiar with my previous post would know the two type of films I geek over the most is Kung Fu and animation. Put the two together and I'll become giddy like a kid on Christmas morning so you can imagine my joy when animator Mike Rodriguez who share my taste in films has given me the heads up of his CG short film/demo reel that contains exactly just that. The project took him a little less than four months to complete himself, from concept to final product except for the music and the sound samples. If any of the folks at Dreamworks Animation is reading this, you might wanna hire this guy for the Kung Fu Panda sequel. As Po would say, its awesomeness.

You'll find the minute long short film embedded below after the break. Also check out his blog site to see his work-in-progress diary of the animation.

Mike Rodriguez Demo Reel 2009 from Mike Rodriguez on Vimeo.

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Mike Rodriguez's blog site
Thanks to Mike Rodriguez for sharing.

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