Cinéma Abattoir - À rebours

For those who like their cinema like I like my coffee, strong and dark, look no further than Cinéma Abattoir. This independent company from Quebec has a new DVD release ready that looks to be their strongest yet. Limited to 500 copies and wrapped in chicken wire!!
While the global economy, and certainly DVD sales, are experiencing hard times, fans of transgressive cinema have little to complain about. The German company Camera Obscura just released the notorious "Vase de Noces" on English friendly DVD and Cult Epics has "L'Urlo" coming up at the end of July. The first one had never been released on ANY video format ever before and the last one never with English language options. And here is Cinéma Abattoir with their third DVD release of experimental short films that they also bring to selected cinema's. This is how they describe the release on their website:
Emanating from the Void, from sexual atomisation
and a Black eternally Blacker than Black
One of the twelve short films included on the disc is Aryan Kaganof's "Dead Man II - Return of the Dead Man" (made while the director was still called Ian Kerkhof). This is one of the most shocking art-films I have ever seen, at least the first part of the film that features gay emetophilia, so this time that statement is actually not a crypto-recommendation but a real warning. But it is a daring and in some ways even beautiful film based on the writing of Bataille and with an original soundtrack by Merzbow. In a perfect world all cinephiles would want to check this out (after first warming up to it a bit by watching Sweet Movie or Salo). The other shorts promise to be similarly dark and experimental and together must be an impressive mind trip. Also quality wise the Cinéma Abattoir releases are very good, so I do really want to recommend this DVD!
It's available directly from the company. Hit the first link below also to view details on all the shorts and a nice trailer for the DVD release