Take a look at 'Mr.Bones 2' - South Africas Most Successful Film of all time

Mr.Bones 2 is the South African Follow up and Prequel to the previously most Successful S.A film of all time Mr Bones and stars writer and director Leon_Schuster in what looks like a rip roaring slap-stick Comedy. Now I'm sure if this was a Hollywood production we wouldnt be talking about Mr.Bones 2 on ScreenAnarchy but hey its pretty interesting to see a film which will probably not even recieve a DTV release in North America and has been so successful in its homeland taking more at the Box Office than blockbusters such as Titanic and Quantum of Solace.
Check out the trailer below the break!
Bones 2 was released last year in S.A and has just recieved a DVD release over there. Belows a short synopsis and trailer embedded
Mr Bones 2: Back from the Past is the story of Hekule, the King of Kuvukiland who is given a gemstone by the dying Kunji Balanadin. The stone is cursed and causes Hekule to become possessed by the spirit of the mischievous Kunji. It is up Mr. Bones, the royal witch doctor to cure his King and get rid of this cursed stone by returning the gem to its home in an Indian fishing village.
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