THE HAMILTONS' Joseph Mckelheer And Cory Knauf Return With GODSPEED * UPDATED *

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
THE HAMILTONS' Joseph Mckelheer And Cory Knauf Return With GODSPEED  * UPDATED *

[Updated with new and improved version of the trailer.]

Indie horror picture The Hamiltons was a solid sleeper hit on the festival circuit a couple years back and a film that we covered extensively in these pages, so we're more than a little curious to get a look at what stars Joseph Mckelheer and Cory Knauf have been doing since. The answer is Godspeed, a film the duo not only star in but also co-wrote and produced with Sundance alum Robert Saitzyk (After The Flood) in the director's chair. Here's the synopsis:

Charlie Shepard (Joseph Mckelheer, THE HAMILTONS) is a modern day faith healer, a man who claims that if you let go and believe, then his power to heal is very real indeed. Living hand-to-mouth with his young son and wife Rebecca (Jessie Ward, REST STOP: DON’T LOOK BACK), Charlie ekes out a meager living from his "healing" sessions in a small Alaskan town. With his marriage failing, and an old drinking habit coming back to haunt him, his family is brutally murdered by unknown assailants for seemingly no reason whatsoever.

Six months later, Charlie has abandoned his former life and the house his family lived in, moving through the days' slow existence more like a ghost than a man. Even local fish and game man Mitch (veteran actor Ed Lauter, THE LONGEST YARD, SEABISCUIT) can’t seem to break through Charlie’s intense desolation, further arousing his own curiosity with this broken man’s plight.

Then, a young, mysterious girl named Sarah (Courtney Halverson) appears in town, and seeks out Charlie, pleading for help with her own grief-stricken father after her mother’s death. It’s here on Charlie’s journey to Sarah’s remote home, buried deep in the Alaskan wilderness, where he must eventually confront Sarah’s troubled brother Luke (Cory Knauf, THE HAMILTONS) -- a dark journey that will ultimately reveal the truth of his family’s killings and lead to tragic, violent consequences for all.

Directed by award winning filmmaker Robert Saitzyk (AFTER THE FLOOD) GODSPEED is a tightly wound, stylish thriller that explores the limits of humanity on the edges of the Last Frontier.

We've got a first look at the trailer for the film, check it out below the break!

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