Second Trailer for STORM RIDERS CLASH OF THE EVILS...**UPDATE** Official site and Poster

Second Trailer for STORM RIDERS CLASH OF THE EVILS...**UPDATE** Official site and Poster

Another trailer for Storm Rider Clash of the Evils, a chinese animated feature film based on the popular on-going wuxia comic by Ma Wing Shing has made its way on Youtube. A live action from the Pang Brothers is already in the works which has since been retitled as Storm Warriors instead of The Storm Riders II, perhaps to dissociated from Andrew Lau's adaptation, despite the presence of Aaron Kwok and Ekin Cheng in both films. The video quality ain't the best but atleast there is some new footages shown and its looking mighty fine.

Its expected for release sometime in 2008. You'll find both trailers after the break.

UPDATE: Thanks to the always cool Hitman-Reloaded from the KFC Cinema forum for hooking me up with the official site and a poster banner as shown at the left of this post.

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