Tag: albertbirney

Sundance 2025 Review: OBEX, Oddball Lo-Fi Sci-Fi/Fantasy Redefines Vibe Flick

Writer-director Albert Birney’s (Strawberry Mansion, Tux and Fanny, Sylvio) latest film, OBEX, an almost non-categorizable sci-fi/fantasy/comedy-drama, stands out as a vibe film through and through. If you’re on OBEX’s wavelength or frequency, i.e., attuned to its oddball charms, quirky humor,...

Now on Home Video: STRAWBERRY MANSION Forever

Do you have a taste for weird tales? Of course you do! (It was a rhetorical question.) I share your taste, but, frankly, I can't make heads of tails out of the Strawberry Mansion trailer. But I like it. Our...

Crowdfund This! SYLVIO, A Guerrilla Gorilla Feature (With Hand Puppets!)

When the six-second looping video app Vine came on the digital scene a few years ago, most of us went bananas for the thing. At least for a minute or two. While I never gained any creative ground with it...