BIENVENIDOS AL INFIERNO (WELCOME TO HELL): The New Horror From MATAR AL DRAGON's Jimena Monteoliva Heads to Post

Editor, News; Toronto, Canada (@Mack_SAnarchy)
BIENVENIDOS AL INFIERNO (WELCOME TO HELL): The New Horror From MATAR AL DRAGON's Jimena Monteoliva Heads to Post
Another for the getting shit done category. My friend in Argentina, Jimena Monteoliva (Clementina, Matar al dragon), was working on her next film, Bienvenidos al Infierno (Welcome to Hell), but had to stop production because of the global health crisis. After the second wave subsided Monteoliva and her crew cracked on and finished shooting the heavy metal satanic sacrifice horror flick. 
Lucia lives secluded in a remote cabin in the middle of a forest with her grandmother, a mysterious and mute old woman. Lucia came to the inhospitable house of her grandmother to escape from the Black Monk. He is the dark and ruthless leader of a sect and father of the child she expects, who plans to murder both her and her baby, in the frame of a ritual.
Lucia believes none of her former companions know where she has gone. So she lives her life, thinking she is safe. But she goes through her pregnancy with regret, tormented by nightmares and memories, and annoyed by the tense relationship she has with her strange grandmother.
Bienvenidos al Infierno will be heading into post soon so we wanted to get you familiar with the project and put in on your radars. Post-pandemic funding and financing are certainly not what they were before the bad times and financing programs in Argentina were already stretched thin prior to the boom-boom. As a result we may not see Bienvenidos al Infierno peremiere by the end of this year but if not we hope for early 2022. 
We have a collection of behind the scenes images for you to have a look through down below. From the looks of things this new horror flick looks more straight forward than Monteoliva's previous works but I'm excited to see what she has done inside that space. And who can say no to crucifixion, the contrast of neon pink against gore and corpse paint? Cetainly not I.
Monteoliva gave us a bit more information about Bienvenidos al Infierno.
... the main difference with CLEMENTINA and MATAR AL DRAGÓN is that the movie was intended to be directed by another director (Nicanor Loreti - Kryptonite) who finally couldn't do it so I assumed the role. So at the beginning I think it was clear the movie was written by a man (Camilo de Cabo - Kryptonite) for a man (Nicanor), but after I grabbed the baton they were kind enough to let me do some changes and adapt it to something I felt more comfortable with. Now I really feel the movie is clearly a "Monteoliva" movie, and I love it! But anyway I also have to say the script was great in the first place.
And let me also say, this was the movie I had most fun to do so far! We were all so expectant to finish it (the first part was shot pre pandemic) and so glad to be out on the ring again that I guess that helped to be awesome while shooting.
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