ALIEN EXPEDITION: There's a Little Bit of Space 'Everything' in Exclusive Trailer For This Indie Sci-fi Creature Feature

Editor, News; Toronto, Canada (@Mack_SAnarchy)
ALIEN EXPEDITION: There's a Little Bit of Space 'Everything' in Exclusive Trailer For This Indie Sci-fi Creature Feature
There is something gleefully sublime about this new trailer for the very indie sci-fi creature feature Alien Expidition. Covering a bevy of sci-fi action tropes and wearing its influences on its sleeves it is still remerkably entertaining in its honest silliness. 
Between laughs Screen Anarchy is pleased to share with you this exclusive look at the new trailer for Alien Expidition. It is full of space... everything.
After a deep space exploration vessel discovers a potentially habitable planet, a scouting team composed of human and biorobotic individuals is dispatched to investigate the planet’s resources. Once on the ground, their reconnaissance mission soon turns into a battle for survival against the planet’s hostile alien lifeforms.
Alien Expedition was directed by the Wallace Brothers. We cannot find much information about them except they directed David and Goliath in 2016. It stars Antuone Torbert, C.J. Baker, Edward Gusts, Ethan McDowell, Gregory Niebel, Linda S. Wong, Maxwell Brothers and Whitney Nielsen. 
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C.J. BakerEdward GustsEthan McDowellGregory NiebelLinda S. WongMaxwell BrothersWhitney Nielsen

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