Crowdfund This: Estonian Horror Comes Alive in BAD HAIR

Crowdfund This: Estonian Horror Comes Alive in BAD HAIR

There aren't many genre films being made in Estonia, but director Oskar Lehemaa is trying to turn to tide. Lehemaa and his producers have initiated an crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to raise funds for a new body horror short film called Bad Hair. This project boasts a great concept, lots of practical makeup effects and a credentialed team that includes actor Sten Karpov. Be sure to watch the campaign video, which provides a good overview of the short's cast, crew and concept. The synopsis is provided below.

Bad Hair is an intense body transformation horror short film, entirely without dialogue, set in one apartment, happening during one evening, slowly destroying one character. The film talks about male body image through our balding main character, but does so with gross-out horror and pitch-black humour. Style wise we want to stay away from campiness - the goal is to create a suspenseful horror ride with the best possible visuals and sound!

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CrowdfundingEstoniaHorror Shorts

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