OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS In Hilarious Trailer For Norwegian Comedy

There's a bit of a Norwegian super-team assembled for upcoming comedy Opportunity Knocks (Norske Byggeklosser) - the new remake of one of the all time classic local pictures. Dead Snow producer Kjetil Omberg, The Bothersome Man producer Jørgen Storm Rosenberg and Fatso / Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder helmer Arild Forhlich are behind this new version with Dag star Atle Antonsen starring (and starring and starring some more) in multiple parts.
The plot line will call to mind 1986 Tom Hanks comedy The Money Pit for US audiences, with its story of a couple inheriting a house badly in need of repair. The set up is a very straight forward one but the team behind the scenes here is anything but. We've been raging fans of Frohlich - one of the region's most in demand commercials directors thanks to his quirky style - since coming across his work in Fatso and after a run of (highly successful) family friendly offerings it's simply fantastic to see him back with material that allows a bit more leeway for the director to do what he does best. And Antonsen is simply just a monster of a performer.
The first trailer for this one is now online and, yes, it does include English subtitles. Just click the CC button if they don't automatically appear.