Rocking Star Manchu Manoj Returns To Kick A Whole Bunch Of Ass In GUNTURODU

Someday someone somewhere will thank me for turning them on to the pure joy that comes from watching Telugu action star Manchu Manoj burn up the screen. Manchu is not the biggest star in Tollywood, he probably wouldn't even crack the A-list, but among his B-list compatriots he is king.
The king of balls out action/comedy/romance returns in SK Satya's Gunturodu. I have no idea what's going on in the trailer, but it's pretty clear that Manchu Manoj is having none of it as he throughly thrashes anyone who dares to step up to him. One of the great things about watching Manchu is that he does the vast majority of his own stunts, and he isn't terribly graceful about it, but you can tell that he is - as the Canadians say - givin'er!
Watching a Manchu Manoj film is like watching the credits of a Jackie Chan movie. You know, where Jackie continually screws up stunts and breaks bones? Manchu is fearless, and not afraid to laugh at himself. It's that kind of enthusiasm that makes his films so entertaining, even when they aren't particularly good.
Anyway, I can't find a solid release date for Gunturodu, but I know I'll be there to cheer on my favorite hero! Check the 53 seconds of madness below and give yourself a smile.