LOST BOY: Watch The Gorgeous Proof Of Concept For Ash Thorp And Anthony Scott Burns' Punk SciFi

Anthony Scott Burns should be a familiar name to many readers of this site by now. We've raved about his short film work in the past and while word about Burns has spread thanks to his segment in the Holidays horror anthology - he did Father's Day - and fans await his feature debut Our House, he's back again to tease a different upcoming project.
Teaming up once again with collaborator Ash Thorp along with Dutch production house PostPanic - the company responsible for the gorgeous Sundays scifi short now being turned into a feature - they've just released the proof of concept for a punk scifi short titled Lost Boy. And it is - typically - gorgeous.
LOST BOY is an ambitious sci-fi concept heavily influenced by the American action classics and Japanese samurai films. LOST BOY represents the second feature in a series of director-driven film projects from the Amsterdam-based production company, PostPanic Pictures. In similar exposure to SUNDAYS, the aim of PostPanic Pictures is to set the international community alight once again, this time with the LOST BOY concept short.
The idea of LOST BOY was born years back by Ash Thorp’s passion for sketching out these unique characters and scenarios, which quickly gained a huge fan base. Once Anthony Scott Burns and Ash Thorp joined together for collaborative efforts on LOST BOY, it further evolved with a fascinating storyline and uncompromising vision of society’s far distant future sure to surprise audiences.
A true collaboration between Burns and Thorp who share writer, director and design credits you can watch the complete proof of concept below.