The Trailer that Ruins the Movie - Part One.

Well, what about them? Those trailers, sometimes you love'em because you are showed just enough to get really in the mood for something special or you hate them because they have showed you too much. But you can only know if you have been shown too much of the movie if you actually go and watch the whole thing.
Off course i have seen loads of trailers, and in the days when i was growing up, ( that is in the beautiful 80's) you got a couple of those on a weekly basis on tv. Or if you were a regular movie-goer you could watch them in the cinema, usually before the main attraction, like it is still the case nowadays. However times have surely changed trailer-wise.
Now you can have them really all the time, when you go online you stumble upon them if you open certain sites. They do not need to be movie sites, it can be a complete unrelated site you are visiting and look at that in the corner. A link to a trailer of……. . And on TV the appearance of trailers have increased.
Then we have the number of trailers for one movie. Yes, my dear, the commercial people and certainly not the artistic people (at least i think they would not would recommend this) think it would be a great idea to make not one, but 2, 3 or maybe 4 trailers for a (usually big budgeted movie). The common idea behind this is that if you show them a little more each time, curiosity will increase. The victimized viewer cannot wait to watch this celluloid wonder because each and every extra enticing second that is bestowed upon him or her, will further convince him or her to visit the cinema of choice to pay a ticket and go see it.
But when you are going to show more than only the 1 trailer and you are witness to more scenes is that good or bad? It is not uncommon that much of the plot or certain crucial developments which are a vital part of the story are shown in the preview. This can only diminish the overall impression one gets while watching the whole feature. When surprises do not longer surprise or are not seen as such, people will be less appreciative of that what they are witnessing. Still even worse, it must be killing for the makers of the movie that certain elements which should function as a twist, a surprise or a great action scene are already familiar with the targeted audience. I imagine these situations can be very demoralizing for a writer, producer, director and other participants of a picture.
This only gets more problematic when there are more trailers for one movie, when still more is revealed. OK, there is of course the choice of the audience to not seek out every trailer out there for the movie, or just watch the trailer once and not five or 6 times. But as I have stated earlier, you can stumble upon it unwittingly and temptation is always there. Curiosity is a difficult trait to control.
To my own stupidity I had a similar experience in the 80’s when Paul Verhoeven’s Total Recall was ready to storm the box office. This was in the time that trailers were shown on tv and on MTV. I watched a lot of review shows then, one of them was MTV at the Movies, and during those days I must have seen that trailer a dozen times. I was so psyched to see this one, that the trailer was necessary for me to watch over and over for some sort of temporary gratification until the damned thing would finally would hit the theatre. And there were off course certain great scenes in the preview. Two things come to mind. The fat woman disguise where Arnold Schwarzenegger is emerging from and then her head explodes, and the fact that Sharon Stone is a baddie(or badass) or wasn’t that really a a spoiler? What happened for me is that the scenes that I saw in the trailer became a sort of movie in itself. And when I saw it in the cinema, every time I saw one of these familiar moments it took me right out of the picture instead of drawing me nearer in. So even if I thought this was a very good movie, with some outstanding special effects. It could never surprise me and entertain me as intended by the makers.
Because of this I promised myself I never watch a trailer more than once, to keep the movie I want to see as fresh as possible......
As this is going to be a larger piece then intended I am going to split this one in two.
Therefore I willI be back with my conclusive thoughts about this matter.