Okay. So there's this guy in India, Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. He made a movie, MSG: The Messenger, a couple of years back that was incredibly awful, but in an "I can't believe what I'm seeing" kind of way. His movie was so awful that it broke the Indian censor board (don't worry, they built a new one), who originally refused to certify it as fit for Indian audiences.
He made a sequel, MSG 2: The Messenger, that I haven't seen yet, but the incredibly racist trailer has this man, a holy man in his own mind (and unfortunately the minds of millions of followers), fighting against a bunch of (black) tribals and attempting to civilize them. It looks dreadful and I can't wait to hate it in person.
Now this.
This just has to beat all.
The MSG 3: Lion Heart trailer is populated mostly by cardboard and LED light strips; it shows the religious leader fighting off aliens with PVC pipes and papier mache axes. At one point he punches an elephant. At another point he parts the seas. Then he fights the cardboard alien spaceships with a bow and arrow apparently tipped with sparklers. It's ridiculous, and I'm not 100% sure he's in on the joke.
Seriously. Watch this. It is nonsense.