Antoine Fuqua in Talks to Direct a New SCARFACE Film

Deadline reported this afternoon that Antoine Fuqua is in talks to helm another 're-imagining' of a contemporary American classic. The director of the upcoming The Magnificent Seven film may take a stab at updating a gangster favorite, Scarface.
The rags to riches story was first made by Howard Hawks back in 1932 and updated by Brian De Palma and screenwriter Oliver Stone in 1983. The latter gave us one of the most iconic lines in film history, so iconic I do not even have to write it down, you already whispered it before you read this far.
I am sensing a pattern here, a cycle. A remake of a remake of a classic film, right? From Seven Samurai to The Magnificent Seven to... the same. From Scarface to Scarface to Wait-And-See.
Jonathan Herman (Straight Outta Compton and Ghost in the Shell) wrote the most recent draft. Paul Attanasio (Donnie Brasco) and David Ayer (Training Day, End of Watch and Suicide Squad) wrote previous versions. This new version will further contemporize the story and set it in Los Angeles
When this goes ahead graphic designers are going to have to work very hard to replace that iconic poster from the 1983 version. College dorm room walls may never be the same.
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