Crowdfund This: Chamber Drama Goes Silent In DRIFTWOOD

Editor, U.S.; Richmond, Virginia (@filmbenjamin)
Crowdfund This: Chamber Drama Goes Silent In DRIFTWOOD
The power of sound, whether a boom or a whisper, can infect us, haunt us for days.

The absence of words, of speech, the strange milieu of the body, of authority, physical, purely primal, can be terrifying.

Enter director/DP Paul Taylor's Driftwood, an abstract chamber drama with Joslyn Jensen who starred in what I consider to be one of the most underrated American indies ever, the supremely ethereal Without.

Driftwood is a dialog-free feature that has been shot, been edited, and is now seeking support for post audio, certainly the biggest hurdle for a film that is driven by sound, but not spoken word. They're seeking 15k to work with the talented folks at Silver Sound Studios in Manhattan.

You can check out the moody pitch video below, then head to the Kickstarter to contribute
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