Are These The Unaltered STAR WARS Trilogy Films You Are Looking For?

Editor, News; Toronto, Canada (@Mack_SAnarchy)
Are These The Unaltered STAR WARS Trilogy Films You Are Looking For?
Attention old fogies who have not given up the dream of owning unaltered editions of the original Star Wars trilogy! Myself included! There is a whopping too good to be true rumor running around that Disney is planning to re-release A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi in their original unaltered states on DVD, Blu-ray and OnDemand. 

According to an interesting e-mail we've intercepted, and which purports to come from within Disney's marketing department,  the studio are planning to re-release A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi on DVD/Blu-Ray/On Demand in their original form, without all the things George Lucas changed for the "Special Edition" releases back in 2004.

This, of course, has been an original Star Wars fan's dream and an obvious topic of conversation ever since the franchise changed hands. Now that Darth Lucas no longer runs the show and gives us only the Star Wars he wants would Disney look at this opportunity to make an easy gazillion dollars? We certainly would not fault them for thinking so.

However. Yes. However. One big hangup is this...

The report says that Disney is putting out A New Hope, and since Fox owns distribution rights for that movie this is unlikely - unless Disney plunked down a lot of money to buy them back. Which we would have heard about. Now, Fox will certainly play ball should Disney want to release a big box set, because money, but the wording of this rumor makes me suspicious. BadassDigest

But our friend, Devin does go on to say that he truly believes we will see our original trilogy in stores by the time Episode VII comes out. To which I reply...


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