Crowdfund This: Female-Helmed Grindhouser SHEILA SCORNED

We haven't spent a lot of time talking about crowdfunding site Seed & Spark but their clever film-centric model and slick site is worth a browse for anyone looking to support some very worthy projects.
One of those very worthy projects is the super cool-sounding grindhouse short Sheila Scorned. Filmmaker and VICE producer Mara Gasbarro Tasker is hoping to bring her vision to life to bring a decidedly female voice to the grindhouse genre. Here are a few words from Tasker:
I decided that very morning to flip the gender roles of this genre and give absolute freedom to women to turn the tables of their stories, hoping that in film, there might be a chance to help give back a muscular voice to my sisters who have been stripped of theirs.
Over half the team is female including producer Jess Engel and lead actress Laine Rettmer. They're looking to raise $35k by the middle of next week and are almost two-thirds of the way there. There are an assortment of incentives and, as is the Seed & Spark way, you get to choose where your money goes on the production.
Check out SHEILA SCORNED on Seed & Spark