13 SINS: Red Band Trailer For The 13 BELOVED Remake Gets Monstrous

Editor, U.S.; Richmond, Virginia (@filmbenjamin)
13 SINS: Red Band Trailer For The 13 BELOVED Remake Gets Monstrous
Plenty of ScreenAnarchy readers are, I am sure, aware of the Thai horror series that started with 13 Beloved. The film placed a young and desperate man in the hot seat of an underground, and very dangerous, reality game show. I've never seen the original myself, but from what I understand it had a sense of humor about itself.

From the looks of things in this trailer, it appears that Daniel Stamm's English-language remake does not. But I do actually appreciate its seriousness. It looks less like a Saw or Hostel, per se, and more in the vein of a Stephen King or Richard Matheson story. Ron Perlman does his thing, and I certainly think Mark Webber has more down-to-earth charm than many other everyman types currently out there.

Take a look for yourself below.

13 Sins is available On Demand in the states starting March 14, and in select theaters April 18.
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