Fresh Images From Paw Charlie Ravn's Gorgeous Animation THE CHILDREN'S WORLD

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
Fresh Images From Paw Charlie Ravn's Gorgeous Animation THE CHILDREN'S WORLD
It was all the way back in February of 2011 that we first brought word of The Children's World, a mid-length animated film from Danish animator Paw Charlie Ravn. At the time all that existed was an animation test for the film, a brief scene designed to show off the look and feel of the world. And what it showed off was truly remarkable.

THE CHILDREN'S WORLD is a 2D adventure set in a world where there are no grown ups. The girls and boys of this world are in a constant war with each other - the boys occupying a city while the girls living in a hidden forest. But when Albert, one of the boys, wounds a girl during a battle he decides to take care of her. Suddenly a new world opens up for him, and the revealing secrets Albert is about discover will change him, and the rest of the world with him.

As with all animated projects these things move slowly but with production coming to a close now and the producers planning out how best to get this in front of people we've been passed a generous gallery of stills from the picture. You can check those out in the gallery below - and remember you can click on any image to enlarge it - as well as the original animation test below.
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