WulffMorgenthaler Confirm Osama Bin Laden Dead

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
WulffMorgenthaler Confirm Osama Bin Laden Dead
Well, this should put to rest any remaining shreds of doubt as to the validity of reports that Osama Bin Laden has been killed. Respected news source WulffMorgenthaler have confirmed ...

Okay, I can't keep a straight face.

Here's the thing. WulffMorgenthaler is both a pair of very funny men in Denmark - Mikael Wulff and Anders Morgenthaler - and the popular comic strip they created. They're also the creators of popular animated series Pandaerne and, working solo, Morgenthaler was the director of notorious Cannes selected animated revenge picture Princess. Popular, yes. Funny, yes. Reverent, no. These two are a pair of trash talking satirists par excellence and shortly after the news of Bin Laden's death last week they released the following video. It strikes me less as a comment on the actual death of Bin Laden itself and much more a hearty rip on the media circus that surrounded it. Of course, these are the impressions of a man who can't actually understand what they're saying but the visuals are pretty damn funny.
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